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Giving Back To Our Community

Volunteers are key to the success of our mission.  As a non-profit organization, we rely heavily on the time and talents of our Pro-Bono Attorneys and volunteers.

Your passion and dedication helps us restore hope, transform lives and promote healthy stable lifestyles.

We are currently seeking individuals for Pro Bono and volunteer opportunities.  If you would like to share your time and talents or are interested in receiving more information about any of our positions, please contact us today.

Giving Back To Your Community

Volunteers are key to the success of our mission.

As a non-profit organization, we rely heavily on the time and talents of our Pro-Bono Attorneys and volunteers.

Your passion and dedication help us restore hope, transform lives and promote healthy stable lifestyles.

Pro-Bono Attorneys

Northern Nevada Legal Aid is looking for Attorney’s to volunteer their time to assist qualified Northern Nevadans with legal services. Taking just one case per year can affect change and offer a voice to those in the community that would otherwise be without one. If you would like to share your time and talents or are interested in receiving more information about any of our positions, please contact us or fill out a volunteer application.


Northern Nevada Legal Aid is seeking support staff and interns to assist with administrative duties as well as events and clinics.

Contact Us to Volunteer

Pro Bono Attorney Spotlights

Pro Bono Attorney Spotlights