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What we do

We provide experienced and diverse civil legal services to protect the essential rights of
Northern Nevadans most in need.

Housing/Consumer Protection

Northern Nevada Legal Aid assists low-income individuals who are facing foreclosure or eviction.

Senior Law Center

Our senior legal services cover a broad array of issues impacting seniors.


Our team of attorneys helps immigrants get and maintain legal immigration status.

Domestic Violence

Taking legal action to address the factors that keep people in abusive relationships.

Civil Law Self-Help Center

We provide information, resources, and assistance to those who need to represent themselves in court.

Child Advocacy

Attorneys represent children in foster care in permanency proceedings.

Medical/ Legal Partnership

This partnership offers legal services for issues impacting health outcomes.

Pro Bono Referrals

Attorneys can volunteer their expertise and energy to help our neighbors most in need.

Adult Guardianship

We represent protected (and proposed protected) persons in adult guardianship proceedings.