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Northern Nevada Legal Aid Civil Law Self-Help Center

Northern Nevada Legal Aid Self-Help Center Has Moved! Servicios Legales del Norte de Nevada Se Ha Movido!



We are now located on the FIRST FLOOR of the Reno Justice Court, 1 South Sierra Street, Reno, Nevada 89501

Se encuentra nuestra oficina en el PRIMER PISO de 1 Sur Sierra, Reno, Nevada 89501


Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (lunes a Viernes) (please arrive by 4:30 p.m. to ensure sufficient time to help you/favor de llegar antes de last 4:30 de la tarde para asegurar tiempo suficiente para ayudarle)


In collaboration with Nevada Legal Services, this Center provides information, resources, and document assistance in civil matters (not criminal, except criminal record sealing) to those who need to represent themselves in court. Our services help individuals locate and complete housing, small claims and family court forms, seal records and more. Please Note: Our facilitators help you help yourself. If you are able to read and write in English, you will complete the court forms yourself with our guidance. 

En colaboracion con Servicios Legales de Nevada, nosostros podemos ayudarle en identificar y cumplir los formularios de ley familiar, responder de una accion de desalojo, sellar documentos oficiales, iniciar acciones de reclamos menores, y mas. Attencion: si Usted pueda leer y escribir en Ingles, completara los formulario Usted mismo con nuestra asistencia. 

What we do:

  • Assist with access to legal information and resources
  • Provide court forms and informational packets
  • Explain court processes and procedures
  • Assist with information about electronic filing through Eflex
  • Provide referrals to available legal resources in the community
  • Offer help to ESL clients

What we do not do:

  • Provide legal advice, representation, or take the place of private counsel
  • Speak to judicial officers on behalf of the client
  • Evaluate cases or offer opinions or speculation about the results
  • Fill out forms or packets for clients
  • Access or file forms or packets to client’s Eflex account

Lo que hacemos:

  • Ayudar con el acceso a información y recursos legales
  • Proporcionar formularios judiciales y paquetes informativos
  • Explicar los procesos y procedimientos judiciales
  • Proporcionar información sobre la entrega de documentos a través de Eflex
  • Proveer referencias a recursos legales disponibles en la comunidad
  • Ofrecer ayuda a clientes cuyo primer idioma no es ingles

Lo que no hacemos:

  • Proporcionar asesoramiento legal, representación o tomar el lugar de un abogado privado
  • Hablar con agentes judiciales a nombre del cliente
  • Evaluar casos u ofrecer opiniones o especulaciones sobre los resultados
  • Completar formularios o paquetes para clientes
  • Acceder o someter formularios o paquetes a la cuenta Eflex del cliente

Aunque podemos ayudar con muchos servicios a través de nuestro centro de autoayuda de derecho civil, no podemos hacer trabajos legales por usted dado a restricciones de leyes estatales. Sin embargo, podemos dirigirle la dirección correcta y ayudarle a comprender los procesos y procedimientos judiciales.

Commonly Asked Questions About The Self-Help Center

Divorce and custody are the most common legal issues that the Self-help Center can help with. However, we can often provide information and additional resources regarding other legal matters. Even if we do not offer specific help in that area, we can usually point you to someone who does.

Many attorneys require a substantial retainer before they will take the case. Individuals and families cannot afford to provide that retainer in many situations. While Northern Nevada Legal Aid can sometimes connect you with an attorney who does pro bono work (which is not part of the Self-help Center), most people who cannot afford a lawyer will end up representing themselves. Northern Nevada Legal Aid provides information and resources to help you do that.

The Self-help Center does not provide pro bono services (where you work with an attorney free of charge). Northern Nevada Legal Aid has another department that assists with pairing you up with an attorney for pro bono services. However, our ability to connect you with an attorney willing to work with you for free is limited. The Self-help Center helps you help yourself to address your legal issue.