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Grievance Procedures: How to File a Grievance

Northern Nevada Legal Aid provides quality legal assistance. However, we understand that there may be situations where the services that have been provided may not meet your standards. If that is the case for your situation, we have provided a grievance procedure that you can use to report the unsatisfactory service to our Executive Director.

A Brief Overview of the Grievance Procedure

To start the grievance process, you should provide a written description of the problem to:

Executive Director

Northern Nevada Legal Aid

299 South Arlington Avenue

Reno, Nevada 89501

You may also email your grievance to INTAKEUSER@NNLEGALAID.ORG. Please include “Formal Grievance” in the subject line.

Your grievance should specifically state why you feel the legal services you received were not satisfactory or the related complaint you may have. If your complaint is associated with a denial of legal services, please explain why you feel that denial was inappropriate.

Grievances must be in writing, and formal grievance procedures only start after the written grievance is submitted. If you need help with the grievance process, a staff member can assist you.

Keep a copy of your grievance even after you have submitted it. We make every effort to address your grievance within ten (10) business days of its submission. The Executive Director will keep you informed of the action taken related to your grievance.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Grievance Process

Northern Nevada Legal Aid does not have a specific complaint form. Instead, you should write up your grievance and provide as much detail as possible. You should submit this document to the Executive Director for review.

If you are not satisfied with the Executive Director’s action regarding your grievance, you can appeal to the Grievance Committee. They will review your complaint and the action taken to determine if additional action should be taken to address your complaint.

Appeals should be provided in written format and addressed to:

Grievance Committee

Northern Nevada Legal Aid

299 South Arlington Avenue

Reno, Nevada 89501

You may also email your grievance to our Board of Directors at BOARDMEMBERS@NNLEGALAID.ORG. Please include “Formal Grievance” in the subject line.

The Executive Director attempts to address all complaints within ten (10) business days of the grievance submission. If you appeal from the Executive Director’s action, it will take longer for additional action to be taken on your complaint.

If you feel that your civil rights have been violated by someone working on behalf of Northern Nevada Legal Aid, you can work with the Office of the Attorney General, the U.S. Office of Civil Rights, or the Nevada Equal Rights Commission (NERC) to file a complaint. Visit their website to learn more about the civil rights violation complaint process.